Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Catch-up Blogs

Tuesday, August 24

Starting my Tuesday and Saturday blogs. Interesting that today’s WSJ had an article about an established author, Seth Godin, who has jumped Publisher ship to self publish and have more control over distribution and continuing rights. More and more I find support for my decision to do likewise. Have an email from CreateSpace who are making overtures to working with me. Hope to talk to them tomorrow.

Just got back from seeing the Grand Canyon. A Ranger Tour of the fossils there has convinced me that I need to work on my Ancient World chapter before I publish. Also have ideas for untold stories in my first and third chapters. Guess it will be awhile before I feel my book is ready.

The Grand Canyon trip was our fourth annual family trip since we stopped the yearly SCUBA and/or ski trips. Have gone to Hawaii, Hilton Head, Door County, and now Arizona and our first two National Parks. Mary doesn’t count our day trip to the underwater museum on Oahu. We left the Canyon and drove to Lake Powell where we had three days on a 59’ houseboat. Lots of memories for my 5 year-old and 12 year-old grandsons. And a few for the rest of us too.

Saturday, August 29, 2010

Busy week. Have my book out to two people for early editing. Even as I do that, I find myself changing three of the 12 chapters, trying to make them better. In one case I was reminded of another story I should have included. In another I learned something from our family vacation that seemed too important not to include.

“Signed” the contract for publishing. They make it quite easy and the investment was within expected budget. Remains to be seen whether I will ever recoup the cost, but that’s not really the point. Am undaunted that only a few authors sell 1000 copies.

Was surprised to find out that an e-version was a whole different arrangement than the soft cover on demand version. After I go through editing and am satisfied with the front and back covers as well as the content, I deal directly with Amazon to develop a Kindle version. Better royalties. Present arrangement gets me 60-70% after fixed costs are covered depending on whether it sells through my own website www.deefitzgerald.com or though Amazon.

More coming next Tuesday.


Think I have finally have figured out how to post on my blog as well as how to follow some blogs I find interesting. That may be the biggest news since I wrote Saturday’s content. Hope to be regular in posting on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

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