Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Junk Mail and Solicitations

I’ve taken to taking a nap, usually for 30-60 minutes, and usually, somewhere between 2:00 and 4:00 PM.  There are a couple interesting points.  First, I am blessed to be able to set an internal clock for 30, 60, or 120 minutes and wake, almost to the minute after sleeping deeply.  Second, almost every other day my sleep is interrupted by a solicitation call.  So often, that I have taken to napping with both of my phones: landline and cell, within easy reach.

I am sure that, like many of you, I have seen an increase in the number of solicitation calls.  I saw a recent statistic that said the cost of such “Robo-calls” is less than 1/10th of one cent, which explains why many are to a dead line, and return calls from caller ID are seldom able to be completed.  I have one particular nuisance call, a heavily-accented Indian or Pakistani male who, mostly identifies himself as representing a pharmacy service.  On one occasion, I engaged him, since he was explaining how I could get a Federal Grant, a scam I recently had seen on Snopes.  Even when confronted, he was unapologetic and persistent.  I have blocked more than four dozen numbers, but still receive calls from all parts of the United States and the Americas.

I was at a conference where an FBI Agent was discussing fraud and asked the agent how I could report this company.  He confessed they are virtually powerless to stop them unless someone has given them serious money and federal laws have been broken.  But, I was also having problems with legitimate charities.
Raising money for charities is Big Business and a specialist in the field can command a mid-six-figure salary.  I discovered a website that tracks how much a charity pays in overhead, the biggest part of which goes to raising money.  If you haven’t checked out your favorites, do so at www.charitynavigator.com   Having that knowledge gave me an idea: my biggest problem was continual solicitations from charities to which I contribute.  I was receiving letters from some on almost a weekly basis.  So, I sent them all a response in their own envelope: 19 in all.  The letter I included was one of two, depending on their Charity Navigator rating, but both were identical in the message that said, “If I receive a request for money and have contributed within the last 12 months, I will NEVER send you money again.” The difference in the letters referred to their rating on Charity Navigator.  I received two responses, one confessing they didn’t know about Charity Navigator and would comply with disclosing their financials to receive a rating.  A second said they would comply and only request money annually.

Apparently, there was some positive effect as I receive fewer requests than I used to, but Mary still supports at least two charities who regularly remember her birthday, acknowledge her gift, or other nuisance requests, which I would have stopped paying.  My alumni requests are pretty good now, as are some of my charities.

As I write this, we are seeing appeals for the Texas and Louisiana victims of Hurricane Harvey with Irma in the wings.  The American Red Cross is being criticized for the donations that reach the victims, a problem they still confront in Haiti.  The Wounded Warrior Project got rid of some of its highly-paid administrators and greatly improved its Navigator rating.  I had stopped contributing, but am making an annual contribution now.

My next Post will feature what has happened and is happening to craft breweries and how the change has affected our drinking habits.  I hope you will join me.

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